Tana looks for upstream solutions, helping prevent problems in the first place
Ensuring Access to High-Quality Education
Early learning is the best investment we can make. I am proud to Chair the Human Services, Youth, & Early Learning Committee in the Washington State House of Representatives and fight for affordable and accessible child care and early learning. In fact, in 2021, we passed my Fair Start for Kids Act, the most comprehensive early learning legislation in state history. As someone who has successfully navigated two children through the public school system, I can attest to the importance of high-quality K-12 education.
Addressing the High Cost of Living
Too many families struggle to make ends meet, especially in our Eastside communities where the cost of living is so high. By championing affordable childcare (which is now more expensive than college) and serving on the board of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Bellevue I work every day to make life easier and more affordable for families in our district and across the state. Key legislation I’ve championed are the Equal Pay Opportunity Act, the first change to Washington State’s equal pay law in 75 years, and the Fair Start for Kids Act, which doubled our state’s investment in early learning.
Reducing Gun Violence
I’m thrilled to have passed legislation that bans open carry of weapons at local government meetings, off-campus school board meetings, and election sites. In addition, it bans all guns at ballot counting locations and on-campus school board meetings. Access to democracy without fear of intimidation is critical! For me, gun responsibility is personal. I was on the board of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle in 2006 when there was a hate crime shooting. One woman, my friend Pam, was shot and killed and five more were gravely injured. I saw firsthand the incredible toll gun violence takes on individuals, their families, the health care field, the criminal justice system and the entire community. I am proud to have introduced numerous pieces of legislation to help combat gun violence and keep our children and communities safe.
Fighting Climate Change
Climate Change is a worldwide problem, but people often forget that the action we take on a local level counts. Washington is one of the greenest states in the country, but there is countless more we can do to improve. One way I am protecting our communities is by helping transition our school transportation system to zero emission. Access to electric school buses not only saves our environment, it also improves our children’s health and reduces respiratory illnesses. Next up, we must protect our state’s Climate Commitment Act on the ballot this November.
Celebrating our Diversity
The 41st District is one of the most diverse in the state. In fact, Bellevue’s motto is: “Bellevue welcomes the world. Diversity is our strength.” My whole career I have championed hate crimes legislation, focused on the racial disproportional impacts of policy and fought for equality for women, LGBTQ, religious minorities and all racial communities.